Lama Obeid is a Palestinian writer and trainer based in Ramallah, Palestine. She writes about culture, gastronomy, politics, and travel. She has written pieces and guidebooks for the Lonely Planet. She has also written pieces for Wanderlust and The New Arab.
Mona Zahed's Tabkha: The Palestinian cookbook written from a tent during the Gaza genocide
Before October 2023, Palestinian chef and mother, Mona Zahed ran a successful catering business, putting her skills and passions to practice. But as Israel's genocide erupted, she was displaced from her home in Al-Mina, the seaport of Gaza, with her four children and husband Osama Khateeb.
Israeli airstrikes devastated homes and buildings, driving hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to evacuate their neighbourhoods, with nearly 90 percent of Gaza's population being displaced.
But not all ho...
Gazze’de bir çadırda yazılan Filistin yemek kitabı
Çevirmenin notu: Aşağıda çevirisini sunduğumuz röportaj, Filistinli şef Mona Zahed’in İsrail işgal rejiminin Gazze’de yürüttüğü soykırımın yıkımı altında, yalnızca bedensel varlığını değil, kültürel mirasını da koruma mücadelesini anlatıyor. Zahed’in yemek kitabı Tabkha, bir yemek tarifi koleksiyonundan öte, yok edilmek istenen bir halkın kimliğini ve direncini belgeleyen politik bir eylem olarak okunmalı belki de.
Zahed, bu kitap aracılığıyla, işgal devletinin emek ve geçim kaynaklarını yok ...
« Tabkha » de Mona Zahed : le livre de cuisine palestinien écrit sous une tente pendant le génocide de Gaza
Accueil > Informations > Culture > « Tabkha » de Mona Zahed : le livre de cuisine palestinien écrit sous une tente pendant le génocide de Gaza
The New Arab par Lama Obeid
Au milieu de la destruction de Gaza, Mona Zahed a écrit « Tabkha », un livre de cuisine qui célèbre l’héritage et la culture palestiniens, ainsi que la volonté de survivre.
Photo : « Tabkha » de Mona Zahed © The New Arab
Avant octobre 2023, Mona Zahed, chef cuisinière et mère de famille palestinienne, dirigeait une e...
Palestine in America — Blog — Rescuing our recipes: Preserving Palestinian culture in times of war
Article and interviews on Palestinian Gastronomy during times of war
Passport privilege: the realities of being a Palestinian travel writer
Lama Obeid is a Palestinian writer and trainer based in Ramallah, Palestine. She writes about travel, gastronomy, politics and culture. She advocates for the Palestinian cause wherever she goes and is a third generation Palestinian refugee displaced from the town of Ein Karem in West Jerusalem. Here she is with a short essay on the realities of being a Palestinian travel writer.
In 2023, I got my debut into the travel writing world: a commission for Lonely Planet’s 11th edition of the Israel ...
El privilegio del pasaporte: ser escritora de viajes palestina en un mundo hostil
Para Lama Obeid, ser escritora de viajes no es simplemente una profesión; es un reto constante, un desafío que va mucho más allá de lo que cualquiera podría imaginar.
Como palestina, Lama no solo se enfrenta a las dificultades habituales de la vida profesional, sino también a un sistema que le pone trabas en cada paso de su camino. Su historia, más que un relato de aventuras y descubrimientos, es una cruda realidad que ilustra lo que significa viajar cuando tu pasaporte no te otorga privilegi...
Fatteh Adas during genocide
From the West Bank, Lama Obeid shares a lyrical recipe for the Palestinian dish Fatteh Adas against the backdrop of the genocide
By Lama Obeid
Commissioned by Molly Lipson
Most days we feel helpless while trying to remain hopeful. We watch as Israelis attack food aid trucks at the Karam Abu Salem border. We watch them stomp on the food, making it inedible. We watch them show their children how to do the same. Meanwhile, our children, the children of Gaza, are dying of famine imposed by the Is...
Tree of Love
An essay for the Lonely Planet guidebook talking about the culture of olive oil and olive trees in Palestine and the socio-economic people get from it.
Top tips for traveling in Muslim countries during Ramadan
Ramadan Kareem fellow travelers!
Traveling to places where Ramadan is observed can be an enriching and interesting experience, especially when you know what to expect. Here's our guide to visiting Muslim-majority countries during the month of Ramadan.
What is Ramadan and why do people observe it?
Ramadan is a month where Muslim people are encouraged to become more spiritual by focusing on charity, prayers and reading the Quran (the holy book of Islam). To focus on the spiritual side, people o...
Voyager dans un pays musulman pendant le Ramadan
Lama Obeid
Ramadan Kareem à toutes et à tous !
Voyager dans des pays où le Ramadan est observé peut être une expérience intéressante et enrichissante si vous savez à quoi vous attendre. Suivez nos conseils si vous avez décidé de vous balader dans des pays à majorité musulmane pendant le Ramadan.
Le Ramadan, c’est quoi ?
Pendant le mois du Ramadan, les Musulmans sont encouragés à devenir plus spirituels en se concentrant sur l’altruisme, la générosité, la prière et la lecture du Coran. Pour se...
The Flour Massacre: Breaking bread in Gaza has become a matter of life and death
For most people, the word 'flour' has little meaning. It's a staple, we can get it anytime and anywhere. However, in Gaza, it's now a luxury. At the time of writing, a bag of flour costs up to 2500 to 3000 ILS ($700) in the Gaza Strip.
For the past few months, Israel has been starving Gazans to death. Flour is now a matter of survival. Travelling to the south of Gaza — where 1.3 million Gazans shelter — is a deadly shopping trip, and getting flour from an aid truck makes you a live target for...
An odyssey of Palestinian dishes in the West Bank
Yalla! Let's Eat: Palestinian food is having a moment, and where better to try it than Palestine itself? In a whistle-stop tour, The New Arab rundowns some of the country's favourite eats, and where best to find them.
Palestine is world-renowned for its cuisine. Join us on a journey through Palestine where we'll give you a rundown of some of the most popular Palestinian dishes and the best spots to find them in the West Bank.
The first to try is, of course, Maqlouba. Translating to "upside-do...
Reflecting on hate in Brattleboro
This is my reflection on an incident that occurred in Brattleboro, on the 13th of August 2015 when I was approached by a man who was intoxicated at 7 p.m. and had his dog to help him keep his balance.
He said: "Are you a Mozlem? We don't like Mozlems."
It is very ironic that such words are said and thought in a place that calls for freedom of religious practice and choice. If there was freedom of choice and a respect of that choice, people would not have even conjured up such thoughts which a...
أنا والنافورة وأطفال المخيم
الأعمال الكتابية
مللت، خلص، أخرجوا من رأسي، طفح الكيل، لقد تجاوزتم حدّكم.
اخرسوا، لا أريد أن أسمع أكاذيبكم وهي تخرج من أفواهكم. أفواهكم المحكومة. محكومة بالغباء. رؤوسكم المغسولة التي لم يبق فيها شيء سوى اللا منطق. تقولون أنكم في خدمة الشعب والشعب يشكو منكم. تتخلصون من الذي يشكي. تقولون انكم لم تتلقوا أي شكاوى. لا تسمعون سوى صوت الأبواق، تدعوكم لبيع أنفسكم.
لن تنزل الرواتب هذا الشهر. فيبيع كل ضعيف القلب نفسه. ليس هناك إمكانية دفع الرواتب. الدول المانحة فقط تدعم مشاريع ضخمة مثل ترميم شوارع رام ...